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A switch statement can replace multiple if checks.

It gives a more descriptive way to compare a value with multiple variants.

The syntax

The switch has one or more case blocks and an optional default.

It looks like this:

switch(x) {
  case 'value1':  // if (x === 'value1')

  case 'value2':  // if (x === 'value2')

  • The value of x is checked for a strict equality to the value from the first case (that is, value1) then to the second (value2) and so on.
  • If the equality is found, switch starts to execute the code starting from the corresponding case, until the nearest break (or until the end of switch).
  • If no case is matched then the default code is executed (if it exists).

An example

An example of switch (the executed code is highlighted):

let a = 2 + 2;

switch (a) {
  case 3:
    alert( 'Too small' );
  case 4:
    alert( 'Exactly!' );
  case 5:
    alert( 'Too big' );
    alert( "I don't know such values" );

Here the switch starts to compare a from the first case variant that is 3. The match fails.

Then 4. That's a match, so the execution starts from case 4 until the nearest break.

If there is no break then the execution continues with the next case without any checks.

An example without break:

let a = 2 + 2;

switch (a) {
  case 3:
    alert( 'Too small' );
  case 4:
    alert( 'Exactly!' );
  case 5:
    alert( 'Too big' );
    alert( "I don't know such values" );

In the example above we'll see sequential execution of three alerts:

alert( 'Exactly!' );
alert( 'Too big' );
alert( "I don't know such values" );

````smart header="Any expression can be a switch/case argument"
Both switch and case allow arbitrary expressions.

For example:

let a = "1";
let b = 0;

switch (+a) {
  case b + 1:
    alert("this runs, because +a is 1, exactly equals b+1");

    alert("this doesn't run");

Here +a gives 1, that's compared with b + 1 in case, and the corresponding code is executed.

## Grouping of "case"

Several variants of `case` which share the same code can be grouped.

For example, if we want the same code to run for `case 3` and `case 5`:

```js run no-beautify
let a = 3;

switch (a) {
  case 4:

  case 3: // (*) grouped two cases
  case 5:
    alert("Why don't you take a math class?");

    alert('The result is strange. Really.');

Now both `3` and `5` show the same message.

The ability to "group" cases is a side-effect of how `switch/case` works without `break`. Here the execution of `case 3` starts from the line `(*)` and goes through `case 5`, because there's no `break`.

## Type matters

Let's emphasize that the equality check is always strict. The values must be of the same type to match.

For example, let's consider the code:

```js run
let arg = prompt("Enter a value?");
switch (arg) {
  case '0':
  case '1':
    alert( 'One or zero' );

  case '2':
    alert( 'Two' );

  case 3:
    alert( 'Never executes!' );
    alert( 'An unknown value' );

1. For `0`, `1`, the first `alert` runs.
2. For `2` the second `alert` runs.
3. But for `3`, the result of the `prompt` is a string `"3"`, which is not strictly equal `===` to the number `3`. So we've got a dead code in `case 3`! The `default` variant will execute.